VALLEY CITY, N.D. ( – Oliver is in the Barnes County Museum and it is a sight to be seen for Triceratop lovers.
“Oliver” the Triceratops, was found in the Hell Creek Formation of Harding County, South Dakota in 2021 and excavated in 2022 by Alan Komrosky and Hell Creek Relics of Valley City, North Dakota. More than 20 feet of over burden needed to be removed before the bones could be carefully jacketed for transport.
The extraordinary measures taken were well worth the effort as Oliver emerged in fantastic condition, showing an articulated rear leg and foot with approximately 65% of the entire specimen of this young male intact. No less than 6 Nanotyranus teeth were found amongst the bones along with amber and palm fronds.
Oliver is undergoing preparation for assembly and exhibition but is on display in his original field jackets. Alan Komrosky, of Valley City, exhibited “Bob” the Triceratops at the Barnes County Museum back in 2014. Bob was sold to a buyer in South Korea where he now resides.
The interview with Alan Komrosky is available below.
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